Identical twin baby girls show off their new accomplishment, sitting unassisted!
Identical twin girls visit me for their sitter portraits to show off their new skill - sitting unassisted! For me, it’s always a treat to see my newborn clients mid year, I never get over how much they’ve changed since birth! Check out the image below to see Millie & Fiona at their newborn portraits and now at their sitter session.
Newborn identical twin girls
Infant identical twin sisters at their sitter portraits
Look at their beautiful faces and that smile!
That sisterly bond, looking and interacting with one another during their session. In true sibling fashion that did include pulling on their clothes and headbands ;)
The tongue. It. Is. The. Cutest. Throughout the session their little tongues kept popping out!
These colors looked great on the girls and the pastel colors got me so excited for Spring, it’s right around the corner!! Thank you for visiting me girls!