After booking your cake smash session, please be sure to return your cake smash questionnaire to me, this will help me prepare for your session. I will create a customized set for you, and if there any details you would like to include please feel free to bring those along. If your child has allergies, please be sure to tell me right away so we can devise a plan for their safety.
Your preparation starts days before your session, if you are bringing any items to include, their outfit or cake smash outfit please begin collecting those. If baby has a band-aid please remove it at least 12 hours ahead of time so the skin won’t be red. It is also important to bring wipes and a towel for clean up after the cake smash. Please also remember a change of clothes to go home in. I encourage families to bring water or a bottle for after in case baby needs something to drink.
If baby falls asleep around the time of your session or you know they may fall asleep in the car on the way, plan to leave early so they have time to rest and wake up before their session. If baby is sleeping when you arrive please wake them, even if it’s not time yet for your session so that they are not startled and have a moment to get acclimated. During the session it is very obvious when baby has a full diaper, I recommend changing them so they don’t have a big bulge.
Arrive early to your session so that we can change baby’s clothes and diaper. We will begin taking photos on the set without the cake. Then you will have the opportunity to change baby if you’d like for the smash cake portion. I will take a few photos of the cake then we will set baby down and let them smash the cake!
If baby is having some separation anxiety feel free to comfort them; sitting down next to them, playing a song they enjoy or talking with them can all help. It is very helpful to have an extra set of hands during this session but if no one else is there we can definitely accomplish this on our own. Baby make take a moment to “dig in” or they may jump right into it, each child is different, I will not add any pressure for them to do anything, each child is different and honoring them and their personality is very important me.
I hope you enjoyed your session and the set I created for you. I will begin editing your images and have them back to you in 5 business days*. An email will be sent to you with a link to your gallery and download instructions will be included in that email.
*Depending on my current editing queue this could change, feel free to ask about my current turn around time.